FlyHi Finance–Customer OnboardingJourney
We will provide you a QR code and a link specific to you and you
can ask the applicants to start the journey by scanning/ clicking
on the same. Fill up the online application form with all the
required details and documents*
If the application meets all the policy parameters
application is approved online and the applicant is
asked to complete all post sanction process
(Agreement e-sign, NACH registration and payment
of PF/Adv EMI) In case there are some deviation to
the policy, our team shall review the application and
provide the decisioning within 2-4 hours. The
applicant shall be notified through an email.
Fee Disbursement:
After completing agreement Signing, E- Nach registration,
Advance EMIs and PF payment. We will Initiate the
Disbursement of the Fees in Institute Account. (If institute is
not empanelled, we will confirm the fees and bank details
with the institute